Allan King Award for Excellence in Documentary November 10, 2014
WATERMARK awarded at the 2014 Director’s Guild of Canada Awards.
September 24, 2014
Darryl Varga’s essay “On True Meaning(s) and the Impossibility of Documentary in the Films of Jennifer Baichwal” is available here. Published via Brno Studies in English – issue 2 – The Five Senses of Canadian Cinema
Watermark is now playing in the UK September 8, 2014
Telefilm Canada and Birks Pay Tribute to 10 Canadian Women Directors
Perfect Storm May 21, 2014
FANDOR discusses the work of Jennifer Baichwal
Chicago Tribune April 29, 2014
The Creator’s Project April 23, 2014
Wall Street Journal
“WATERMARK…illustrates, once again without polemics, the primacy of water in our lives…” –
LA WEEKLY April 16, 2014 April 6, 2014